Our Story
R.O.N.G. Youth Program Incorporated was created to help youth thrive as they transition through different stages in life. Rong Creates a safe space for youth to be themselves set goals and achieve them.
Dorshia Edmond was born and raised in Charlotte, NC.
She dropped out of school at the age of 16. During that time, she worked at Bojangles and partied with her friends. After having a year out of school realizing that her structure was missing she returned to school. So, she enrolled into a GED program and that’s where she reestablished her goals for life. Upon completion of the GED program, she enrolled into her first school Carolina College of Health Science to be a Nurse. The program was a great, but she wasn’t prepared for the time restraints and responsibilities, so she got kicked out of the program. Dorshia went on to find out where she was going in life. Next stop Hair school at Carolina Beauty School which she didn’t complete either because she didn’t like it.
Community College at Central Piedmont where she grew to understand how college works and what it was to be a part of a college family she joined the Alumni program for communities in schools, Psychology and Sociology Club, Leadership Program, became a note taker for the disabled, and guided her younger classmates on navigating through school and making choices.
That’s where it all started Dorshia began to realize the impact she had on others and wanted to continue the work, so she started to work for nonprofits that shared some of her same values and beliefs. Dorshia Graduated and transferred into the university of North Carolina at charlotte where she obtained her bachelor’s degree and moved to South Florida to attend grad school at Nova Southeastern University.
While in grad school she worked for several nonprofits and started her own family. Her roots were planted over the years she started to plan to develop a program that would help youth transition with guidance and support and that’s what she did.